Common fitness questions

I’ve collected answers to frequently asked fitness questions from industry experts and what I would advise too.  I have knee pain- so I can exercise?  Many people use knee pain as an excuse not to exercise, but there’s a difference between pain and...

7 Ways to Spruce Up Your Sprouts

Roast them Try roasting sprouts if you don’t like them streamed. Half an hour in the oven completely transforms them, giving them a nutty, slightly burnished flavour and a firm texture, without sogginess. You just throw the whole, trimmed sprouts onto a roasting...

Self discovery to reveal the lighter happier new you

Why wait till the new year and 2016? Whilst things are going bang in the background on Guy Fawkes day, I have digressed slightly from my nutrition articles and had the urge to share this recording with you on getting yourself on the path that makes your feel happy....


Years ago when studying for my Nutritional Biochemistry degree, I learnt about the two types of fat – white and brown that are bodies are composed of. Learning that brown fat is the ‘healthier’ of the two and generates heat by burning calories. The...

Recap on Mercury

When I say mercury, you may be thinking its present in amalgam fillings and fish as the media often mentions. And yes it is, dental silver fillings contain mercury which release vapours into the mouth and air. Mercury in the air eventually settles into water or onto...