This is to follow on my previous post on fertility. If you’ve had a baby or babies and managed to stay health throughout well done to you. During pregnancy the mother’s health is checked via weight measurements, urine and blood tests, CO breath tests. The babies health and growth in utero too with scans, etc.

What is fascinating is the fact that health issues can be prevented or better managed. Why should you suffer with morning/ all day sickness symptoms longer than needed? Same for feeling constipated and bloating. If you’re carrying excess weight this can be problematic as you’ll gain more weight during pregnancy and this can become harder to shift.

Once the baby is born and throughout the early years, the mothers health and needs may be put to the wayside as baby comes first. Therefore it’s important to eat well and maintain health before and during pregnancy. It saves time, money, and unnecessary complications that could be prevented. Gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia – high blood pressure especially.

So if your BMI/weight is on the high side, and you’re concerned how to manage this before or during pregnancy then please do reach out. I will work with you to guide you on what to follow so you are as healthy as you can be. The other area overlooked is nutrient status, if you’re marginally low in any nutrients especially protein, calcium, iron, zinc, B vitamins and omega 3’s this can impact not just physical health but also emotional wellbeing as many of these nutrients are needed to build good mood neurotransmitters. Many women are prescribed SSRI’s which are antidepressant meds when natural alternatives can help manage a low mood and anxiety.

There’s so much nutritional therapy can do, and I’m excited to support you along the way to ensure your body and growing baby are as health as can be.



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