It’s true that many people do pay more attention to looking after their cars than they do their bodies. Until something goes wrong, then there’s a quick trip to the GP, hoping they can get rid of whatever sign or symptom sent you there. We do know that mainstream medicine seldom corrects health issues as they don’t look at what’s wrong at the cellular level and address the root causes.

Unlike your car, your body doesn’t need a mechanic to keep it in good running order.

Both the human body and a car need a continuous supply of fuels (petrol or food) and the supply of oxygen for combustion. Both the car and human body convert chemical energy (in the petrol and food) to kinetic energy (movement) and heat.
In the car, the energy released by the combustion of fuel causes the pistons to move, which then cause the motion of the vehicle. In the human body, the energy from the food is used in making the muscle fibers contract, resulting in motion of the body.

  1. The engine is like the heart
  2. The vehicle bus is the nervous system
  3. The ECUs are the organs
  4. The array of advanced safety sensors is the car’s eyes and ears.
  5. The car’s software is the brain.
  6. The spine is the chassis of the car structure (As we already know both structures “spine and chassis” provide support and protection). In addition to the chassis, the axis of a car is the skeletal system. They both help control your movements and hold the structure together.
  7. The legs are like the wheels.
  8. The knee is the suspension on the car. This is from the angle whereby you jump and land which absorbs the energy just like the suspension does.
  9. The major leg muscle is the transmission since they perform the same function, i.e to increase or reduce speed.
  10. The exhaust system in your car functions similarly to the respiratory system in humans. Just as the respiratory system expels carbon dioxide and other waste gases from the body, the car’s exhaust system removes harmful gases produced during combustion. Proper maintenance of both systems is essential—your car’s exhaust system needs to be free from leaks and blockages, while healthy breathing is crucial for overall well-being.
  11. Windshield is your eyelashes and windshield wipers.
  12. The lungs are the A/C controls in the car.
  13. The stomach is the gas tank. This is one of the most important parts in both the human body and a car, since they help hold what both the human body and car requires to keep running
  14. The skin is the car’s paint. We know that both the paint and the human skin are what we see and more importantly they give the both structures a nice and beautiful look.


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