Think twice before taking medication

Drugs comprise the major treatment modality of scientific medicine. Many individuals, especially in the Western world regularly take prescription drugs for chronic health problems. Sadly, many do not realise that the drugs they are taking could be making their...

Mental Health & Psychiatric Help

From my experience anyone can suffer from mental health issues. Not just depression and anxiety but also issues such as addictions, social phobias and also psychiatric conditions such as psychosis, bipolar and schizophrenia. The rise of mental health disorders has...

Healthy Hair

I wanted to write about an important topic- Hair! It is a common complaint I get from mainly women. I’m losing chunks of hair and my hair is thinning. Help me! Why? My opinion as a therapist is that the condition of our hair reflects the state of our general...

Moo Moo Lactose

In recent years dairy has been given a bad press, and many individuals are going for dairy free alternatives which is fine. But may not be practical and realistic to follow 100%. However there are many cited references to dairy produce  aggravating skin conditions,...

Supporting Brain Function

I wanted to share the below article on supporting brain function with the right essential nutrients. Written by BioCare, a UK supplement company. Modern life is very taxing on our brains. We’re constantly required to multitask, remember things, concentrate and...