Are you Gluten Intolerant?

If an individual with true gluten allergy also known as celiac disease has to avoid foods and beverages with gluten as it can cause a reaction in their gut almost immediately. I meet many people who also generally do not tolerate gluten very well. If you experience...

Healthy Teeth with Nutrition

 Did you know your mouth is a barometer of your health? Many of us practitioners believe that the health of your teeth and gums reflects the health of the body too.  Over the last few years there has been a correlation with inflammation in the body or gut and with...

Six Tips for Fast Energy

Synergy Nutrition’s Six Tips for Fast Energy 1) Get Minty- Have a peppermint tea that can stimulate the mind 2) Breath deeply – Inhale for 3 seconds, then exhale for 3 seconds AND repeat this 10 times. 3) Laugh- A good chuckle releases endorphins, the...

The Hyper Disease

I have been reading about Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism recently as I encounter so many families with children who display one of these traits. What’s interesting is that as I’ve been finding out more, I’m actually...

Low down on Fats

        We cannot live without fats as they form an essential component of our bodies and serve numerous roles in the body and brain. Fats line the membrane of each of our cells, provide insulation and protection for our organs and are needed to...