
Downloadable fact sheet on inflammation
Feel free to download this fact sheet on inflammation created by Nutri Advanced, a supplement company I have worked with. It contains useful information on inflammatory nutrients and phytochemicals: Client_Fact_Sheet_Inflammation.pdf
Brown fat: The fat that keeps you lean 🙂
Each type of fat has different functions: White adipose tissue (white fat) cushions your organs, provides heat insulation and produces energy. Brown adipose tissue (brown fat) regulates body temperature and plays a role in diet-induced thermogenesis, which essentially...
Veg out this Autumn
Don’t forget your vegetables this Autumn. Even with the weather turning colder you can still enjoy roasted and steamed vegetables, soups, stews and salads. Veg out and feed your body with the vitamins & minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals it needs to keep...
Feel mag-amazing with a magnesium bath soak
How wonderful is water? We can drink it, bathe and soak in it, swim in it and feel refreshed, clean and rejuvenated inside, out. Water is also a wonderful carrier- transporter of minerals. I'm a personal fan of mineral bath and foot soaks. I find them relaxing and...
You are 90% bacteria and only 10% human! Oh yes!
Yes its true in case you were not aware we have more bacteria in our bodies than human cells! 90% of our make up is  bacteria, leaving us 10% human!! I haven't personally counted but its interesting how we are made up of trillions upon trillions of bacteria, which we...
Water Sports to Help Reach Peak Fitness
Achieving peak fitness is possible, but it requires a massive commitment to a lifestyle that must include the right diet, adequate sleep, and lots of physical activity. Now, as far as physical activity goes, your options are aplenty. And water sports should certainly...
Marvellous Moringa Superfood! Get yours today 🙂
MORINGA NUTRITION Moringa, sometimes described as the "miracle tree," "drumstick tree," or "horseradish tree," has small, rounded leaves that are have a rich nutritional profile: protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals. In the short space of time I have been taking...
Himalayan Salt Lamps- buy yours today
<span data-mce-type="bookmark" style="display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;" class="mce_SELRES_start">?</span><br /> How do Himalayan Salt Lamps Work? I adore Himalayan salt lamps. They radiate a beautiful soft pink and...
Who are the World’s Biggest Sugar Consumers?
Article written by Aira Digital Ltd and Protectivity. Using 2017/18 human consumption data from the US Department of Agriculture's Foreign Administration, insurance provider Protectivity has worked out which countries consume the most sugar per capita. Sugar is likely...
The Herb Body Map
Think twice before taking medication
Drugs comprise the major treatment modality of scientific medicine. Many individuals, especially in the Western world regularly take prescription drugs for chronic health problems. Sadly, many do not realise that the drugs they are taking could be making their...
Mental Health & Psychiatric Help
From my experience anyone can suffer from mental health issues. Not just depression and anxiety but also issues such as addictions, social phobias and also psychiatric conditions such as psychosis, bipolar and schizophrenia. The rise of mental health disorders has...
Countdown to the new year 2024!