Synergy Nutrition Blog Blog

Synergy Nutrition Blog
Health MOT

Supporting Brain Function

I wanted to share the below article on supporting brain function with the right essential nutrients. Written by BioCare, a UK supplement company. Modern life is very taxing on our brains. We’re constantly required to multitask, remember things, concentrate and...

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A natural alternative to anti-histamines for HAYFEVER In May 2016 I wrote a detailed article on Hay fever and how to prevent it. Many of you suffer from it every year and it can play havoc on your lives. Thankfully there is a natural remedy to the rescue 🙂  I swear...

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Sugar Tax on Soft drinks

Sugar Tax on Soft drinks arrives in the UK! The new tax will see the price of many popular soft drinks such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Sprite increase in both shops and restaurants. The drink companies will pay a charge for the drinks they make with added sugar and a...

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Spring Health MOT

  Spring is here and the weather is getting warmer. This is a good time to start looking at all  areas of your life and identity where you are not fulfilled and what begin implementing steps to improve your lifestyle. This can include decluttering and letting go...

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It's a known fact now that good health begins in the mouth. Back in 2015, I wrote a short piece  (linked below) on how healthy teeth and how oral health is linked to overall health. Since then I have found more research linking many chronic conditions including: heart...

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Calcium needs

Calcium needs: Calcium is a mineral found in many foods which the body requires to maintain strong bones. In addition it is important for  healthy muscles and nerves as they carry messages between the brain and body parts. Calcium also keeps the blood in our vessels...

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Dealing with stress in this 21st century

As many of you know I am a holistic therapist and believe all aspects of our being and health should be in balance. This includes mental wellbeing. Which over the last decade has been given so much exposure and the taboo over many conditions being lifted as we are...

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Neurotransmitter imbalance

Neurotransmitter imbalance There are many factors that affect your mental wellbeing, and one of the most significant is a group of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters that directly influence how you think and feel. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that...

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Get back on track in 2018

Back in 2015 I posted a short piece on: Self discovery to reveal the lighter happier new you. Which explains about how many of us were going through a transition period, perhaps a pause even and not knowing what things to focus on. As many of are aware that we live on...

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Vegan + January= Veganuary

This month many of you are going vegan or considering it. It's the new year, and we can still be jolly     🙂 Why not set some goals and experiment with new things and ideas this month. Especially beginning with your health and being mindful about what you put into...

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Reducing anxiety

New research has suggested that 85% of people in the UK suffer from anxiety or stress. As taboos surrounding mental health are fading away, this is the latest piece of research to suggest that anxiety is a widespread condition. The survey, by market research firm...

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Hair loss, alopecia & Indian Head Massage

I wanted to write about an important topic- Hair! For me as a therapist I believe the condition of our hair reflects the state of our general health. I meet both women and men who suffer from hair loss and thinning hair. I have not found a miracle shampoo that will...

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Countdown to the new year 2024!






