Synergy Nutrition® offers a variety of programs to suit your needs. From a one off session to working with me frequently over a series of months to attain your health goals. Below our the programs I offer along with common FAQ’s. You can contact me for a complimetary call or if your ready to get started complete the health form as the first step. Download here Health Form – and return to:

”Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”
”Your health is your greatest wealth”
“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but will rather cure and prevent disease with nutrition”- Thomas Edison
“Exercise is King. Nutrition is Queen. Put them together and you’ve got a Kingdom”- Jack Lalanne
Health Transformation
2 months
- 2 months to work with me and kick start your health the right way
- A Complete Health, Lifestyle and Dietary Analysis
- In depth Initial Consultation fully tailored to you to address your health goals
- 1 X Follow Up Consultation via zoom and email support in between
- Step by step Personalised Nutrition and Diet Plan on its own worth £299
- Learn about what foods and nutrients your body thrives on, portion sizes and more
- Personalised Supplement & Fitness Recommendations
- Option to extend or upgrade the programme
45 minutes
- A session to discuss any health concerns you have
- Consultation of 45 mins via video call or telephone
- Answer your questions on health tests, test results
- Pick my brain on supplements or pretty much anything
- Upgrade to any Nutrition Programme above or add on a personalised diet plan for £189
Baby. Child. Teen
75 mins
- Under 19’s discount applied
- Separate health form for under 15’s
- Tailored advice and nutrition health plan
- Fussy eaters, food sensitivities, digestive issues, weight concerns, nutrient and diet analysis
- Healthier relationship with food and food education
Ultimate Health Transformation
4-5 months
- Perfect for alleviating long term health complaints or multiple health issues that need addressing and have your own personal nutritionist to be accountable to
- Alleviate digestion, bloating, IBS, inflammation
- Improve your body composition for health or aesthetic purposes, lose that weight you’ve been holding onto or gain healthy weight and muscle mass
- Improve energy, mood, sleep, dental health, skin health and vision
- Live long and age gracefully
- Balance hormones, thyroid, adrenals, female hormones, testosterone
- Eight consultations taken fortnightly to start (or weekly if required) and then monthly. The frequency of sesssions depends on your current symptoms, progress and level of support that best works for you. This way we can monitor progress and work together to implement changes.
- All shopping lists, recipes and supportive plans provided with revisions along the way
- Educational powerpoint presentations created on topics you’d like to know more about: portion sizes, sugars, fats, nutrients, detox, diseases, hormones, immunity, etc
Bridal / Groom Package
3 months
- Helping you look and feel your ultimate best gearing up to your big day. Package also available to grooms and bridal party
- Initial consultation and follow up consultations split up how you want to fit your schedule during this intense special time
- Personalised step by step diet plan for weight loss and belly fat. Alleviate that bloat and follow my recommendations to gain more energy natrually without caffeine and get glowing skin and hair
- Fit into your outfit and look and feel amazing
- All personalised plans and shopping lists devised for you