Almost everyone knows someone with cancer or has sadly lost someone to it. And everyday a celeb of some sort – actor, actress, musician, author, sports person, etc is diagnosed with or passed away from cancer. Having recently lost a loved one to a rare form of cancer, it got me thinking even more about the importance of dietary wellness and prevention. If we can keep our bodies healthy and avoid known cancer causing agents, surely we have a good defence against getting cancer in the first place? Yes I think so and diseases do not happen overnight, it can take years for imbalances to show up in the body and this includes the big C. From my experience those with cancer often have other co-exisiting health issues such as diabetes, cardiovascular imabalances, IBD, etc. The chain of events that leads to cancer is complex and each individual body reacts differently so working out the exact cause or causes is not straightforward. Although logical and expertise tells me there is always an antecedent, trigger or mediator which disrupts the body’s cells and DNA whether that preceded the cancer diagnosis and how far back is something to work with your practitioner.

Cancer Cures- Synergy Nutrition

Not giving your diet and lifestyle much thought until bad health gets you back and you get that wake up call is a mistake that many make, however the body’s cells can be renewed and revitalised given the right nutrients. If you have cancer, it is important to maintain optimal health so you have the best fighting chance to successfully conquer it. 

There are more than one hundred different varieties of cancer, with different causes, symptoms and aggressiveness. Most cancers fall into one of four broad categories: 1. Carcinoma. 2. Leukemia. 3. Sarcoma. 4. Lymphoma. All cancer cells have two things in common, they grow uncontrollably and they have the ability to metastasize. They can spread through the lymphatic system, blood, or avenues such as the cerebrospinal fluid. The immune system does not recognise cancer cells as dangerous or foreign which makes it harder to destroy them. However can we overcome this cell signalling with the right diet and nutrition? I believe so, yes.

Aside from external factors that we can’t necessarily control such as environmental pollution, chemicals and infections. The lifestyle factors such as your diet and the nutrients you take in and supplement can be modified and creates positive health outcomes and recovery. I still sit on the fence with medications as a lot of what is administered today makes the body sicker, depletes further nutrients, and adds more stress to the already taxed body. 

Instead of pumping investments into ‘big pharma’s cancer research’ which are clearly not working to ‘cure’ the big C as the stats are showing it’s on the ever-increasing rise. The natural holistic arena is what needs support and nutrigenomics – how nutrients alter the way genes work, and prevent disease(s). There are natural ways to renew cell function and DNA and optimise internal detoxification pathways. If you’d like to learn more or to discuss any of your concerns on this topic or anything else health related book a consultation via this link


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