I have been reading about Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism recently as I encounter so many families with children who display one of these traits. What’s interesting is that as I’ve been finding out more, I’m actually wondering how many of us also display these symptoms?
Anyhow useful tidbits of information I would like to share with my readers:

- ADHD is a BRAIN condition and the amygdala- the primitive emotional centre of the brain has shown to be smaller in children with ADHD in many brain scans.
- ADHD- symptoms are varied, some children are distracted & disorganised whilst others are restless and impulsive, and some are both.
- Control over attention’ for e.g. wilful control to turn away from a preferred activity & focus on an activity that may not be as compelling or immediately rewarding. So those with ADHD have plenty of attention, (can play video games, lego, for hours) but maybe unable to easily shift that focus to less stimulating activities.
The Hyper disease, that’s what John Gray calls it (John is the author of Men are from Men, women are from venus).
Symptoms of ADHD show up in many different ways. Just adding the word ‘hyper’ to almost any normal temperament and you get ADHD. Hyperactive, hyper-focused, hyper-impulsive, hyper-impulsive, hypersensitive, hyper-distracted, or hyper spaced out and unable to focus at all.

Possible causes:
1) Oxidative stress (OS)- in gut & brain. Acetaminophen- in pain relief pills this drug component inhibits glutathione resulting in OS WHICH leads to low glutathione which inhibits development of myelin sheath which insulates nerves & protects the brain against overstimulation.
2) MSG- food enhancers and HVP makes the brain more vulnerable to free radical oxidation. Can be neurotoxic. ADHD and dementia can be triggered by heavy metals like mercury.
3) Sugar- raised blood sugars cab lead to OS in neutrons & brain inflammation
High blood sugars in pregnancy- overstimulate a developing baby’s brain, causing a decrease in dopamine receptor sites which downreuglates of dopamine receptors.
Children then regularly consume more sugar to compensate for poor dopamine function.
4) Unfermented soy and pasteurised dairy – prevents the production of metabolic enzymes & aa’s necessary for brain function.
5) A sedentary lifestyle- physical movement is necessary fir brain development and production of neurotranmitters.
6) Stress- high blood sugar levels via cortisol- OS
7) DRUGS -excess dopamine stiulation from street drugs (crack, cocaine,) can alter & injury the brain.
8) Video Games- the stimulation increases blood flow to the nucleus accumbent (pleasure centre in the midbrain) at the same time blood flow decrease to the prefrontal cortex (where decisions are made). Extended time on video games in ceases ability to play the game, but decreases control behaviours that can lead to substance abuse & pathological gambling. And to lesser degrees, watching TV, listening to loud music, eating junk food and processed bread have similar effects on the nucleus accumbens.
9) Induced Labour- with piton
10) Divorce- stress of family break up, having one parent, etc.
11) Antibiotics, pesticides, plastics and GM Foods can destroy beneficial bacteria Glyphosphate in GM foods also linked to ADHD. BESIDES GUT PROMBLEMS, children with ADHD and autism have hormone imbalances which can be caused by exposure to toxic chemmicals like BPA and phthalates (in plastic bottles, toys)
12) Gluten- gut inflammation and brain inflame -linked!
13) Toxicity- air, water, food – 5- in particular – lead, methyl mercury, PCB’s arsenic, and toluene are ‘developmental neurotoxicants’ contributing t ADHD & other mental disorders.
15) Nutritional deficiencies – iodine, soils depleted.