There are many superfoods, and each season a new one is touted to have more antioxidants than the next one. For a while now Kale has topped the charts…not music but antioxidant chart! A study published this year in 2014 by: Di Noia J. (Defining Powerhouse Fruits and Vegetables: A Nutrient Density Approach. Prev Chronic Dis 2014;11:130390) found that watercress ranked the list at number 1. It measured 17 nutrients and was given a score of 100. Kale on the other hand was given a score of 49. Chinese cabbage, beet greens and spinach were also high up on the list. I’m delighted by these results as I’ve been munching on watercress daily for years. It can be quite spicy and hot, making it a popular addition to plain or neutrally flavoured foods. I adore watercress and use it raw daily in salads and on rye bread. This humble green gives me bundles of energy. Watercress belongs to the same family as Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. This family of vegetables is known as the Brassicacaea family. It contains vitamins: B1, B2, B6, C, E and the minerals: manganese, carotene, calcium, fiber, iron and copper. amongst other nutrients. You will also notice improved energy levels when you starting eating watercress this is because of the chlorophyll content and nitrates which oxygenate blood.